Monday, March 14, 2011

Good Mornday Morning! It's our first Daylight Saviings Time or Summer Time Monday of 2011. I'm pinch-hitting for Travis of One Word, One Rung, One Day. He's off galavanting and having loads of fun over spring break. If you put up a My-Town-Monday post, leave a comment and I'll link to you on this blog and on mine. ~Barrie Summy

Barrie Summy brings you movie trivia from San Diego, CA

Jim Winter posts about the Ohio River flood, this year and in 1997

Debra of From Skilled Hands has a video of a serene, peaceful walk in Cuyahoga Valley National Park, OH


Jim Winter said...

Today, I talk about this year's Ohio River flood vs. that of 1997.

debra said...

it's still Monday and my post is up